Women's Circle - Charlottetown Edition

The IRSA Charlottetown Women's Circle is here to empower you!


Are you looking for a safe and welcoming space to connect with women from all backgrounds?

Join the IRSA Women's Circle - Charlottetown Edition


What to Expect:
- Personal Development
- Coping Strategies for Stress
- Building Healthy Relationships
- Prioritizing Mental Wellness
- An Opportunity to Meet Amazing New People

Circle Dates:
February 15 - March 21
Every Thursday for 6 weeks
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

IRSA Office
49 Water St, Charlottetown, PE C1A 1A3.

Our passionate counseling support workers, are ready to help you thrive!

To Register, please email Katie at katie@irsapei.ca with the subject line "I want to be part of the Charlottetown Women's Circle".

Hurry, registration closes on February 12! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow, connect, and learn.

*IMPORTANT: You MUST be registered with IRSA as a client to participate! 

예산이나 시간의 제한으로 인해 뉴스나 이벤트 중 몇 개만 선정하여 여러 외국어로 번역됨을 알려 드립니다. 자국 언어로 된 정보가 필요하다면, 저희에게 연락바랍니다.

PEI를 환영하는 분위기의 지역 사회로 만들기 - 참여하기
IRSA Annual Report 2021-22

예산이나 시간의 제한으로 인해 뉴스나 이벤트 중 몇 개만 선정하여 여러 외국어로 번역됨을 알려 드립니다. 자국 언어로 된 정보가 필요하다면, 저희에게 연락바랍니다.