Get Involved
As an established Islander, you can help make Prince Edward Island a welcoming community for new immigrants. There are many ways to get involved — volunteer, or otherwise engage in advocating and providing support for new immigrants in the community, school, or workplace.
Become a Canadian Friend

See your own community through a new perspective: become a guide to life in your community -- a chance to meet new people and develop new networks.
Volunteer as an English Tutor

EAL Volunteer Tutoring Program provides training to volunteers who help adult newcomers learn English.
Participate in Social Activities

We organize various social activities for newcomers and established Islanders -- a chance to volunteer your time, make new friends, share cultures and have fun.
Hire a Newcomer

Build stronger and more diverse workplaces by hiring skilled newcomers with international experience and cross-cultural competence.
Serve on the Board of Directors

Consider volunteering on the IRSA Board of Directors and help govern the organization and manage its affairs.
Take Part in DiverseCity

Participate as a performer, vendor, artisan, community group or activity leader, or a general volunteer at our annual multicultural festival.

Make a monetary donation to help newly arrived refugees and other immigrants settling in our province.